
Want to reduce that email Spam comming from your website email address?

Here is a great tip to reduce the amount of spam you are getting from your website email address.

Change the email address to have a computer code instead of the @ sign.  Most programs are written to skim websites and pick up email addresses then send out a blast to your via that email address, however if the @ is a computer code their programs are not setup to read that number and prevents it from being harvested by spam bots.

They don’t assume you are that smart.

Your visitors to the website, however, will only see the @ on the front end of the display.

here is the blog and tip:

For example, instead of displaying your email address within your HTML with the @ symbol, use the ASCII code equivalent. Your HTML code will look something like this:

Your email address will look like this within your web page:

For more great tips on ASCII codes go read: